

Ellie is primarily a writer by trade (you can read about that on her author site, linked here), but after dabbling with visual art on and off for several years, she decided to fully explore her love of painting and illustration in 2021 and has barely stopped since.

In terms of painting, she mainly works in acrylic, favouring bold strokes and bright colours, but she has also been learning watercolour.

A recurring theme in much of Ellie’s work is ‘Man-Made Meets Nature.’ Whether digital illustration, paintings, or photography, Ellie aims to highlight the contrast of human-made structures (be it buildings, railings, or lampposts) against backgrounds provided by nature––sky, fields, and sea. She loves the juxtaposition of how they can both be at odds and co-exist in the same space, coming together to look aesthetically pleasing. It is the scene having both elements that holds the visual interest.